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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Are you like me and tend to get bored during Christmas (when there's not food on the table and friends around, that is)? Well, worry no more! Because I have compiled a little list of wonderful movies (some Christmassy and some far from it) to watch during the holidays. These are all some of my favourite feel good movies that I go back to again and again:
Great actors, amazingly funny plot and awesome Christmas sweaters. 
I think that this one really is a measure of a good sense of humour (or just a similar one to mine)

A real classic with a star cast of musicians including James Brown and Aretha Franklin. Also around 300 cars were destroyed during the making of Blues Brothers, so it HAS to be good :P

Classic rom-com!

I love how lightly this movie tackles the issues of cultural integration. Plus I totally love football. win-win.

Tim Burton. Need I say more?

Fun and whimsical, a must see for sure.

This is just outrageous fun a la the 60s with really fun characters. H and I absolutely loved it!

Christmas oldie classic

Watching this is a MUST every Christmas

These are the ones I can think of off the top of my head: I hope you enjoy them! Very soon I'll also be posting my own "to watch"-list of movies I've wanted to see for a while.

Enjoy your holidays!



Mary said...

Merry Xmas! said...

Merry Christmas to you too Ninja...

Alba said...

Thank you for your comment, you're really nice ^^

Happy holidays!!!
